02 January 2014

Pineapples - not just for eating

Pineapple Fountain, Charleston, S.C.
I grabbed a quick snapshot with my pocket camera as I was heading to meet a Facebook friend for a cuppa coffee at Baked on East Bay St. but it is fun to look at google images to see the amazing images people have captured of a popular landmark. In the warmer weather the fountain is full of kiddies splashing around.

Love these quiet days at work. No meetings, few phone calls. I've been so efficient tossing and organizing. My desk is brown by the way.


  1. Was down there a couple of weekends ago and discovered you could play in the fountain. I didn't though, the idea of a 49 year-old guy splashing around by himself just seemed wrong. When I got back home to Columbia though I told my 11 year-old daughter she HAD to come down with me next time no matter what. I admitted it to her, she was my ticket to get wet and act a fool.

    1. Now, Beach Bum, THAT I will need to get a picture of :)

  2. With all the news stories about legalized pot in Colorado, a cafe called "Baked" just makes me giggle! 8-)

    1. True :) In this case the baked good were tempting enough.

  3. That's a lovely fountain!

    1. Thanks William! Stay warm up there!


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