14 September 2013

Chucktown Showdown - Ashley River

Chucktown Showdown, Ashley River, Charleston, S.C.
I directed my morning walk to the Ashley River bridge this morning to catch the beginning of the paddleboard Chucktown Showdown race.  When David Quick from the Post & Courier zipped up on his bike at the last moment, I knew I had chosen my location well.

I am always blown away by the distance of the race. The elite group left Brittlebank Park, passed the Battery, circled Castle Pinckney and back over a course of 8.5 miles. The recreational group had a shorter course but even that is 4 miles. Yikes. These folks must have some strong arm muscles.

The gentleman in the top photo may have been paddling in the last of the group but his passenger appeared to be having a very good morning. 


  1. Great series of photos!

  2. Great series of photos!

  3. Great pictures! And just think...the newspaper guy probably chose his spot because you were already there.

    1. Maybe! I haven't seen his shots but I was the one who drew his attention to the dog.

  4. Man's best friend goes along for the ride!

    1. He looks like he is having a great time.

  5. I was the one who drew his attention to the dog.

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