Shem Creek, Mt. Pleasant, S.C. | |
I don't think this is the first sea gull to perch on that pole.
Holy cow, kids, I just got a Jury Summons from the Coroner's Office for a Coroner's Inquest to determine a cause of death. I didn't know such a thing existed. Has anyone else done this?
Joan, I have not served on a jury for an inquest but did cover one for a newspaper. It's very much like a trial except the jury is charged with determining the cause of death. If I recall correctly, whatever the jury decides is what goes on the death cert as "cause of death." In the case I covered, this was important because the deceased had previously had her death considered suicide. The inquest determined that was false. The change on her death cert opened up the possibility that her death could be further investigated as a homicide. (That is a VERY simple version of what happened, but maybe it gives you a general idea.)
It does help. Thanks. I was on a civil trial recently but I guess you can get called up by different and unrelated courts.
Neat photo and perfectly captioned.
Coroner's inquest is probably not a photo op. Could be a neat experience.
Darryl and Ruth :)
Sitting on that post is probably a lot more fun than sitting on a jury. Never been called; interesting how that happens.
Never heard of such a thing. Right off hand I'd guess the cause of death would be "lack of heartbeat". ;)
Scrolling back through your blog to see if there is any back story on this! Sounds like something right out of a mystery novel. Legal things are a bit intimidating and so out of the normal walk of life. Just learned this morning there is a legal thing called "the list of particulars" which really caught my fancy.
great posting and a great site - just found you - makes me want to come on down to Charleston
Daryl & Ruth - you are probably right, no photo op there ;)
I was called within the past year for a civil case. It was quite an interesting process. I talked to folks today and no one had heard of this.
I guess there must be a puzzle that needs to be worked out. Mystery!
No back story, just an unusual juror summons. It is in August so we shall see!
Hey moe! Thanks for dropping by. Welcome!
So, do you get to call Dr. G for insight as a juror?
Right! He can be my lifeline call when I get to call a friend :). Do they let jurors do that?
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