16 May 2012

Best looking Dental office in town

Dentist's Office, Rutledge Ave., Charleston, S.C.
Best looking dental office in town no doubt. I have no idea what the actual Dentist - Dr. John Horres looks like but what a beautiful building. It is great, isn't it? I love the blue doors and shutters against the brick.

Bed time for me kids. G'night all.


  1. It is probably the best looking dental office we've seen. Good capture.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  2. lowandslow8:19 AM

    I agree....very stately looking.


    1. I think he just uses the bottom as a dental office but it is lovely. I've only heard good things about him which is nice as well.

  3. It's a lovely photo of lines, form and textures. Wouldn't even mind going in there for a root canal!

  4. Anonymous12:13 AM

    John rents the office space on the ground floor. The upper floors are residential for the owners. Many old Charleston homes had businesses in simple rooms on the ground-floor, with elegant dining and drawing rooms for family use upstairs.


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