10 April 2012

Best No Parking sign

Avondale Mural, Charleston, S.C.
Living in a college rental part of town, I am especially tuned in to No Parking signs. I've collected quite a number and variety of signs and this takes the cake. I don't think I would park here. Love it! This is one of the murals behind the shops at Avondale.

I just moved furniture, rolled up my oriental carpet and lugged it to the porch by myself. Huff puff. The folks from Rug Masters are to come by to get it in the morning for cleaning. I'm not really worried about anyone stealing it overnight since I can hardly move it.


  1. I'd bet that there is no parking issue at that space!

    Oriental rugs are the best!! Is it from India?

  2. Oriental rugs are the best! Is it from India?

    I bet there are no parking issue in that space!

  3. Ops! I thought I had lost my first message...well, hello again!

  4. Yeah Kate! Welcome to Charleston! Hope you got settled okay.

  5. Anonymous5:57 AM

    whew, rugs are heavy aren't they? Rug Masters can clean a rug like no one else, I know people who come from far away (other states!) to have their rugs cleaned there! This mural is on my side of town, ha ha... Very colorful! Enjoy your blog Joan!

    1. The are heavy! I inched it along the floor and out the door after I rolled it up. Rug Masters has always cleaned it for me, even during the dog years :)

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Is that mural on a building that contains a martial arts center, by any chance? The tiger and the dragon are well-known symbols of the martial arts...

    - Marcheline-at-work

  7. Hi, its really interesting post. To manage the parking area in company premises or nearby schools, hospitals etc. we can install parking tags which automatically inform the drivers about the parking location.


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