05 January 2012

Vote for Best of Charleston

Shem Creek Shrimp Boat, Mt. Pleasant, S.C.
Quick, quick! If you are a local or familiar enough with Charleston, take a couple of minutes and enter your votes for the Charleston City Paper's Best of Charleston Awards this week.

You need to enter in 35 categories to make your vote count so throw some sugar around and recognize your favorite restaurants, bars, chefs, parks, movie theaters, dry cleaners, churches and personalities.

My hospital has been honored with past wins for Best Hospital and Best Place to Have a Baby (Yipee for Roper St. Francis Healthcare!) and Charleston Daily Photo has taken home the crown for Best Local Interest Blog a couple of times in the past. It is a lot of fun. Go vote!

1 comment:

  1. I wish that I knew enough about Charleston to be able to vote. Hope that your blog and your hospital are properly recognized and sweep the competition!!


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