13 January 2012

Running through the Cornfield

Jesus and St. John in the cornfield, Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner, S.C.
Why? Why are Jesus and St. John running through the cornfield holding hands? John seems bewildered by it himself. He is looking up at Jesus with questions in his eyes.

This statue is so puzzling to me that I have to visit it whenever I am at Mepkin Abbey. It is off to the right of the main garden area. The field isn't planted with corn now but the statue clearly says, "Jesus and St. John in the cornfield." I didn't notice until I reviewed the pictures that they had lost hands and fingers.

I always want to run through the high grass when I am there and come rushing out just like Jesus and John.

In other news I am just back from Barbara Ven Thullenar's wedding reception at Crave in Mt. Pleasant. It was a lovely affair. I was a little worried because the only other time I had met this gracious lady was when I had taken pictures of her at a camp for children with cancer and she was in a Pollyanna outfit fully made up. I wasn't sure I'd recognize her dressed as a bride. Congratulations to the happy couple!


  1. Jesus and John were having a deep conversation about politics, and unwittingly walked into the invisible flesh-disintegrating barrier set up by the enemy. Jesus only lost a few fingers, but John was doomed to use his left hand for everything after that.

  2. Jesus and John were having a deep conversation about politics, and unwittingly walked into the invisible flesh-disintegrating barrier set up by the enemy. Jesus only lost a few fingers, but John was doomed to use his left hand for everything after that.

  3. No wedding photos?

    Love the statues; felt like I was in Jerusaleum.

  4. Marcheline: Haha! Come on over Marcheline and we'll do a re-enactment minus the missing digits. :)

    Kate - This was a small family wedding with all the friends invited to the reception party. A nice way to do it! I took a couple with my pocket camera but I try not to be pushy when there is a paid photographer at a wedding.


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