31 January 2012

Like a bird, on a mansion fence

16 Meeting St., Charleston, S.C.
Most people don't go to the Calhoun Mansion on Meeting St. to take pictures of birds but he was posing so sweetly for me.

I know a few readers are planning trips to Charleston this spring so thought this link to the Historic Charleston Foundation's Spring Home & Garden Tours might be helpful. It looks like they go from March 22 to April 21: Festival of Houses and Gardens.  It should be glorious!

Forgive me for not answering everyone's comments promptly. I try my best never to blog or comment from work. I'm constantly telling my boss that I do try to behave. It's a struggle but I do try.


  1. He has himself such a good vantage spot there! Lovely image.

    1. There was a flock of the little birds. This fella was braver than the rest.

  2. It's as though you read my mind. I have seriously been thinking of visiting Charleston this spring and now see I'm not the only one. You are an invaluable resource. However, I'm somewhat worried for my Yankee husband after I saw yesterday's post inscribed in cement. As for myself, I too am Canadian so no worries, eh.

    1. You should! Everyone has to come to Charleston sooner or later. You will be most welcome here :)

  3. an excellent shot, joan. alas we are leaving before the tour begins!

    1. There are always houses open for tours. I can't even imagine what our usual spring is going to be like with it being so warm so early. I hope we get the usual blossoms.


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