02 January 2012

Back to Reality

Check out the Post & Courier's album from the Polar Bear Plunge Sullivan's Island by photographer Grace Beahm. So funny!  It was a warm day so people clearly enjoyed the event and went all out in costumes.

Is it seriously supposed to get cold tonight?! We've been so happy pretending winter doesn't happen in South Carolina. My hibiscus are still blooming.

My walk took me to the Waterfront Park this morning and this seagull enjoyed posing for me. 

G'night kids. Back to reality in the morning. It's been sweet.


  1. Oh, that first day back after a couple of four-day (or less) work weeks is tough! Can't we have four-day work weeks ALL THE TIME? PLEASE???

    Getting cold here, too - they say 27º tonight. Brrr.

  2. Pixel - I just noticed that Martin Luther King day is coming up! Yeah! I love these three day weekends. Stay warm.


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