05 October 2011

Wednesday Ramblings

King St., Charleston, S.C.
Today's photo has nothing to do with anything except the glorious weather in Charleston at the moment and my hope that it lasts forever. Forever.

Sad news about Steve Jobs death from cancer. What a creative loss to the world.

Pecha Kucha 11 tickets are on sale here.

My niece Alexei and her husband Dan tour as Handsome Furs. She sent out a link to her upcoming tour schedule and it made my head spin. Check this out: Handsome Furs Tour Dates. They have been performing all over the world for a while so you can imagine that their photo album pages are pretty amazing.

Almost bedtime and I need to clean my house. Blah.


  1. You're rubbing off on me Joan. I've been taking long daily walks, taking advantage of our gorgeous weather. Isn't autumn great? ;)


  2. lowandslow - it is! And walking is the easiest, regular activity to do and make the most of it. Happy to hear you are joining me! Keep walking - maybe we will bump into each other. ;)


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