07 October 2011

Pink Glove Dance Video Contest

Remember the Pink Glove dance video last year? This year there is a contest and hospitals all over the country and Canada have participated. They are wonderful! All the videos can be viewed here and the winning top three based on "like" votes will receive donations in their name to a breast cancer charity of their choice. The amounts of the donations are $10,000 for 1st place, $5,000 for 2nd place and $2,000 for 3rd place.

Here is the cool news - the video in top place right now is from Lexington Medical Center in Columbia, S.C. and is the only South Carolina entry. Let's get voting kids! Click "like, like, like"! 


  1. Oh, how cool! Lexington Medical Center is where I went when we lived in South Carolina. I used to work just down the street from the main hospital.

    Of course I looked for any familiar face in the entire video (you just never know where a former ob/gym doc might turn up).

  2. Isn't it grand! I hope they win. I sat next to the Volunteer Director in a meeting on Friday and made them pull it up to show our group. Her mother was in the volunteer scene. I liked how they made it personal with survivors.

  3. This is awesome - I just voted!


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