01 October 2011

Green Space

Backroads, S.C.
I had to find one of my favorite green photos just to move some of the pink pictures down the page.

What a lovely day! Air conditioning off, windows open. A couple of my friends joined me at my Friday afternoon matinee yesterday (thanks Tom, thanks Nancy!) and we saw 50/50 at the Terrace. It was a
"cancer buddy" movie and I should have taken tissue in with me. Sniff. If we haven't had cancer ourselves (I have not), most of us have helped a friend through it. I certainly have and it brought forth some strong memories. Happy ending though and some very funny moments. We had a bite to eat at Mustard Seed afterwards and it was a good beginning to my weekend.  Go out and make the most of it kids!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the movie review and the great photo.

    Weather is wonderful here too! Hope it stays like this awhile.


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