19 September 2011

Pulling up for gas

Lake Marion, S.C.
Pulling up for gas. Luckily we didn't need any. 
What the heck is this sign doing in the middle of nowhere on a lake? I get such a kick out of these quirky sights that we paddled all the way around a little island to get a photo from the front. How funny. 
I had a perfect morning yesterday kayaking with my son. It was a cool weekend and none of the regular boaters ventured out. Birds were huddled under the trees as if they had forgotten that summer didn't last forever. I'd almost forgotten myself but this is sweet. I made a big pot of potato soup full of cream and bacon wickedness.


  1. Maybe fuel for you. Say, coffee and a Danish?


  2. Oooooh, potato soup! Mmmmm...

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Good for you! I hit the Waccamaw in my little kayak, and it was beautiful too!
    the anonymous librarian

  4. Librarian - Isn't it grand! This is the summer of the kayak for me.

    Marcheline - Yummers - bacon and cream, oh my!


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