23 September 2011

Friday afternoon

East Bay St., Charleston, S.C.
I took this a few weeks ago when I was climbing the stairs in all the parking garages in town to see what views I could find. I had to wait until another rainy day to post it. Cool, eh? We don't have too many tall buildings to get scenes like this.

Thanks to Linda Benedict from Island Life newspaper for inviting me to the "Night for the Children" gala at McCrady's last night. It was a delicious treat as always and lucky for me I didn't win anything I bid on in the silent auction. My plan of attack is to look like a participant by bidding early when everything is affordable and assume that I will be outbid.

I am home early after a workshop at James Island County Park, my evening plans have been unexpectedly cancelled and the rain is making my couch look awfully attractive. Later kids! 


  1. Funny how we always want what we DON'T have. You have rain and it's messing up your evening plans, and I WANT rain so badly I told K if we ever have any again (?) I'm gonna take a long, slow walk in it and savor it.

    Have a great weekend, Joan. :)


  2. The picture is great, but maybe what I really love is knowing that you climbed stairs all over the city to check out the views. :)

  3. lowandslow - we've had lots of pop up thunderstorms this week. Not sure how many inches we've got but we are away behind as well.

    Cindy - I did and it was a windy day and my umbrella kept blowing inside out. I still need to find out how to get a few good rooftop views. I may need to knock on doors of private homes and ask to go to their roof. :)

  4. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Down here the first licks of summer heat have shot the mercury above 80 this week - all week, and we saw the first of summer's bushfires - sadly the results of 13 year old boys lighting fires on purpose. *shakes head sadly*. The streetscape looks quaint. PS after all the emotional wear and tear of my week, I can assure you I am doing the reading pre assignment from the corner of my most comfortable lounge and revelling in the quiet. Terribly overcast all day - waiting for the rain.

  5. nice shot, good auction strategy, happy couch day.


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