29 March 2011

Pull up a chair...

Magnolia Plantation Gardens, Charleston, S.C.

Sweet spot, eh?

I think I need a couple of real Adirondack chairs myself for this summer. Any recommendations? Maybe if I by one I'll learn to pronounce the word. Aridarock, Arindock, Adarinadack.


  1. That's a beautiful photo Joan. It has an almost dream like quality.

  2. Thank you. It's a tricky spot to get a good shot of.

  3. Well I cant hardly say it either, I usually just say "A-Dack Chair" LOL
    They have them out in front of the Food Lion groceries for sale, they are the brightly colored plastic ones, but they sit pretty comfortably

  4. Maybe if we kindly asked our New York cousins to change the name of their famous mountain range to something like The Slinky Mountains, then we could all be sitting comfortably in something we could pronounce...."Slinky Chairs". Sound like a plan?

    Remember, you heard it here first! :)


  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Stunning picture, Joan you have a gift. I do not like words like that either.....best left unsaid, just take a seat. Sally

  6. I just call it "one of those low, leany-back chairs like they have in the Hamptons" and people usually understand.

  7. I guess they moved it on the other side http://www.dianadeaverweddings.com/mcconnell/#227


  8. BeachGypsy - I've had those before and they do fade and loko bad after a while but they are a lot cheaper than the real wood ones.

    Sally - Thank you! Amen - I may not have anything clever to say but I always have a photo.

    Marcheline - Good one :)

    Diana - Those are beautiful! Wow! That is why you are the professional and I stay out of the wedding biz.

    Lowandslow = that cracked me up! Yes, please ask them to change.

  9. OK, Joan - sit back for your lesson. This is how you say it: "Add a Ron, Duck."

    And that volcano in Iceland that erupted last summer? You know, Eyjafjallajökull? "I forgot my yogurt."

    When you learn English as a second language, you learn the tricks! ;-)

  10. Pixel - that is great! Gotta get Ron his Duck :)


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