21 February 2011

WMI Walk for Water

Eldoret, Kenya

Water Missions International will hold their third Walk for Water on March 19th at Cannon Park in downtown Charleston. Three years ago my hospital raised the money to install one of their water purification systems for the Plateau Mission Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya and I was fortunate to go to document the commissioning ceremony.

We've kept in touch with the hospital - raised money to renovate their maternity ward, sent books to the local school and received letters from the doctor letting us know what a difference clean pure water has made to the hospital admissions. It was one of the coolest things I have ever been part of.

You can be part of it too! Think about joining the Walk for Water in some way. Register to participate, raise some funds or sponsor a walker. What makes more sense than clean water?

Water Missions International is based right here in Charleston on Savannah Highway and welcomes visitors to tour their warehouse where volunteers are busy putting together the purification systems. Consider yourself invited!


  1. I think this, perhaps, is the most important work of all. Thank you, Joan.

  2. I love the practical solution of the water purification filter. Science project gone wild!

  3. Joan - I have just sponsored you for the walk!


  4. Wow, wow, wow! You blow me away! I was out of town today and got a message on my phone saying a donation had been made. Thank you so much!


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