19 February 2011

Wildlife Walking

Marion Square, Charleston, S.C.

I usually have lots of cute wildlife photos from an early morning walk on South Eastern Wildlife Expo weekend but I was later this morning and by the time I got out the crowds were almost claustrophobic. They expected about 30,000 in attendance and I believe at least that many bumped into me.

The Wildlife Exposition often hits a chilly and rainy weekend but today is the most glorious day we've had in a long time and on the first warm and sunny days of the year, college students strip down to scraps of bathing suits and lay in Marion Square. It is a tradition that wasn't going to stop just because there was barely a square foot of empty park space. Some of the gentlemen in attendance were clearly having a hard time deciding which wildlife they should be paying attention to.

I had to be out of my house between 12 - 2 so I squeezed my way in between the crowds and ended my walk with a bowl of green curry at Little Thai Too on King St. Yum. Now I am thinking it might be nap time.


  1. I'm a bit jealous about the weather situation in your area. It's -18C in Tungelsta at the moment.

  2. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Quite the gathering

  3. Steffe it was in the high 70's today. Everyone had their shorts and sandals on.

    maggworld - Wow - so many people!

  4. We were not far behind in temp -at 68 here in Norfolk . I think all wildlife should be equally observed, Joan... How can ya not when so many species have shed their fur for the winter!

  5. It was indeed a glorious day. Felt like April.

  6. johnprince - hahah! They shed their layers at the first sign of the sunshine!

    Doug - what a glorious weekend. Lucky us!

  7. Now if I would have posted the first picture in the series I would have been in trouble with my wife. Great post, and picture(s). :)

  8. That is funny but probably true. I had a shot of a guy leering at them but thought I'd not post that one.


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