05 February 2011

Staying Good

1965ish, Shillong, India

I was driven back to the airport after my recent trip to New York City by a turbaned Sikh cab driver and as we got out I couldn't help but say, "We are from South Carolina, you know, where we just elected the first Sikh Governor in the United States."

Of course he knew.

He said, "Yes, yes, I know. I hope she is good."

I said, "I hope she is. Sikhs are well known for honor and honesty. She is very clever and beautiful"

He was very thoughtful and said, "Yes, she is beautiful! I do hope she is good and will stay good."

Nikki Haley is the new Governor of South Carolina, a Republican woman and daughter of Indian immigrants. May she stay "good" and lead us well.

The photo is not of the very attractive Governor Nikki Haley but my father Donald Perry (on the left). He had grown a beard during our time in India and a friend wrapped a turban around him. When he sent the photo to his mother she didn't recognize him.

Sikhism believes in one supreme God. The Sikh school of thought teaches gender and race equality, sharing, working hard and being honest, contentment, selfless service, talking sweetly, worshiping, good etiquette, tradition, prayer, meditation, the concept of the saint-soldier/warrior, remembering God all the time in all actions, keeping in good company, proper sexual conduct, the life of a householder instead of becoming a celibate monk or rejecting the world, compassion, faith, justice, mastery, righteous actions, bravery, courage, love for God, humility, salvation, the afterlife, the law of karma which is counteracted by dharma, charity, and good will to humanity. It also teaches God's omnipresence, transcendence, omnipotence, and omniscience.


  1. I didn't vote for her but I bet the stress of the job will turn her hair gray before her first term is over.

  2. I didn't vote for her either but so far so good. Hope she takes good care of us.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Hello there. I am a bit curious about the Sikhism religion. You say Sikhism believes in one supreme God and my question is, do they believe in God, the one Christians perceive him to be?

    thanks and you have a lovely site.

  4. Anon: The information above is from the Wikipedia site on Sikhism. You can follow the link for more details. It is an interesting religion. I imagine they stress the belief in one supreme God as being different than the Hindu religion in India. People tend to want to package all Indians together and that can't be further from the truth.

  5. If only all our leaders could remain beautiful in spirit and good in deed.


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