26 February 2011

Earthquake in New Zealand

Rutledge Ave., Charleston, S.C.

Today's photo is of the blossoms framing the shell house at Ashley Hall School on Rutledge Ave. on my walk this morning but what was in my mind was this note I got about the earthquake in New Zealand. I had paid close attention to it because my brother Bob and wife Elaine had just posted their safe arrival home from a holiday there. I was so relieved to see that they were safe.
Dear Joan:

My name is Paul Freeman. I am part owner of a very small Painting/finishing company in North Charleston. The reason for me in contacting you is to ask you if you have been watching any of the news coverage on the horrible Quake which struck the city and region Of Christ Church New Zealand.

I was wondering if your organization has or will contact the stricken people of that town and is your specialized talents are of any use to them at this time of need. I have a friend who lives in Dunedin NZ a town south of The region hit by the quake. As a result of my friendship with this person I have had personal contact on all the going on's in the wake of this horrible event. I remember all the wonderful work you have done and was wondering if you can or are able to help these people. I am attaching a link to a volunteer group started by students at a university in ChristChurch which may be able to help you direct any help you may be able to give them.

Thank you for your attention to this.

Paul is right. These folks can use our help now. The first link is to a local student army of volunteers who are posting needs on Facebook so you can see exactly what is going on. The second link is for donations to the Red Cross in New Zealand which I expect is what they need most from us now. Thanks Paul!

UC Student Volunteer Army

Red Cross New Zealand

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