02 January 2011

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance

Morris St. Baptist Church, Morris St., Charleston, S.C.

This odd little corner building looks like part of a structure that collapsed around it. It was abandoned for years but now is all spruced up and appears to be used for something. The main historic Morris St. Baptist Church building is just down the street on Morris.

Below is the same property back from the time when Ninjas Were Real.

I made Sunday brunch for my tenants this morning because I never, ever want them to leave my property. That sounds fair doesn't it? One brunch equals permanent residence.


  1. That's an interesting little building.

  2. It is odd. I'd like to see an old picture of the street corner.

  3. Anonymous12:37 AM

    It looks like it might have once had alife as a corner store.

  4. maggsworld - that is all I can picture it as with those windows. I think it is cool that they renovated it. It is probably used for storage or something.


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