28 December 2010

Help Fight Hunger

Charleston, S.C.

Loved the iron work on this gate!

Mickey Baksts from the Charleston Grill has been promoting one of those "click to support" sites that always turns out to be advertising for a company. In this case it is Walmart and based on clicks supporting a community they promise to donate $1 million to the community with the most support, and $100,000 each to the next five communities.

I did my part. I clicked and shared the link on Facebook a few days ago. Cool thing is I just checked and the Charleston/North Charleston Community has leaped to #6 in the rankings.

Coolness! Nudge us just a little further if you would. Click the link and then select the Charleston - North Charleston Community. There are some people in need in the lowcountry who will appreciate it.

Help stop hunger.

What on earth am I doing up so late?


  1. I love the ironwork on that one too!! I pretty much love ALL of the ornate gates there tho, how bout you? I've never met a Charleston house I didn't love!! And all the little hidden gems of gardens..so lush and peaceful in the spring and summers!

  2. BeachGypsy - I agree. I find something great to take a photo of on every walk.

    Note - this click to vote thing may just work for Facebookers.

  3. Joan, your landscapes shots are awesome!

  4. Marvelous iron work! I love it.

  5. Nice gate. Hand-crafted by a local artisan maybe?


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