27 November 2010

Home again, home again....

Napa Valley, CA

I'll get back to Charleston Daily Photos tomorrow!

My friend Andre' happened to be in California spending Thanksgiving with his son and family not too far from where my daughter and I were in San Francisco. They picked us up on our last morning and gave us a royal tour of Napa Valley wine country. We had such a lovely day tasting wine at three different wineries and ended with dinner back in town. What a beautiful part of the world. I love being in places that I have heard about all my life and discovering that they live up to their reputation.

Many thanks to our kind hosts!

I had to have a 3:45 am wake up call to catch my plane this morning (yawn) and it's nice to be back on my couch having a grilled cheese sandwich this evening. I suspect it will be an early night. I hope to have a chance to snoop around everyone's blog and catch up with all your Thanksgiving festivities. Thanks for all your kind comments while I've been traveling.

For Marcheline - here are my shoes, babeeeeeeeeeeee!


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    So you leave one beautiful locale and go across the country to another beautiful locale. That's a definite "win-win". :)


  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Idyllic, and beautifully captured!!!

  3. Nicely captured. Your daughter looks like you : )

  4. lowandslow - I know! I have so often heard of SF and Charleston mentioned as "favorite cities".

    maggsworld - thank you!

    bfarr - she even has my early gray hair but it doesn't seem to bother her.

  5. Dude - those shoes are ROCKIN'!!! I can totally see you in them. They are a perfect blend of funky and comfortable and stylish - great with jeans, or a big black witchy skirt and velvet cape. You go with your bad self girl!


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