28 July 2010

Salads & sunsets

Stono Creek, Johns Island, S.C.

Seems like someone should have an extra scrap of marsh to give to me. I promise I'd appreciate it ;).

Since that isn't likely to happen I've been lucky once again to have friends who included me in their waterfront sunset. My friends are house sitting in this beautiful setting and gathered my favorite hen party out for dinner and drinks...oh, and I seem to recall licking my plate after a perfect blue berry pie. There are consolations to southern summers.

Thanks Judy, Larry and Caroline! What a treat.

One complaint though...too many of my friends are retiring and keep saying as if in afterthought, "Oh, that's right - YOU have to WORK."

Sucks. I'd better get to bed. I have to work.


  1. When out of sorts, some time on a joggling board resolves all.

  2. Waldo - I have a few new joggling board pictures to post soon!

  3. Beautiful, very peaceful scenery. I'd PAY to housesit there!

  4. Maybe a career change as a professional house-sitter is in line?

  5. Isn't that the truth...dock, pool, the whole thing. Lovely.


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