02 March 2010

Trash on a Highway

Trash on a Highway, Says alot about A Community.

Yes, it does.

I love hand painted signs. Unfortunately I can't remember exactly where I took this one.


  1. We ought to have this sign posted somewhere in our town. Over the past few weeks I've been taking pictures of trash and will do a garbage montage somewhere in the future!

    Thanks for visiting Tillicum WA Daily Photo!

  2. There are those who would argue that the sign itself is a great example of roadside trash... and I would have to agree. Putting nails into live trees isn't a great example of earth-friendly behavior, either.

    Instead of putting up bossy signs, someone who really cares would be out there with a garbage bag cleaning up the roadsides.

  3. Marcheline is right of course, but I still like handpainted signs.

  4. That sign could work everywhere I think.

  5. Joan - I am totally a fan of handpainted signs, my comment was not against home-made crafty goodness in any way.

    It's just that publicly posted bossiness (to include "VOTE FOR" signs) gives me the hives.

    The old Nike ad is my life's motto: "Just Do It"


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