11 March 2010


Spring St., Charleston, S.C.

This corner on Spring St. reminds me of the "remuddled" back page in Old House Journal magazine that features buildings that have been remodeled in such a hodgepodge fashion that you can't tell what the building was supposed to look like in the first place.

In other news, tomorrow is the Charlie Chaplin movie Gold Rush played with the Charleston Symphony at Memminger Auditorium. Too fun! I can't wait. Anyone else going? They will show the old black and white silent movie while the symphony plays the score and I'm thinking we should be there.
Charlie Chaplin's Classic Film
3/12/2010 8:00:00 PM: The Gold Rush! - Charlie Chaplin’s Classic Film

March 12 and March 13, 2010, Scott Terrell, Guest Conductor
Charlie Chaplin’s greatest and most ambitious silent film comedy The Gold Rush (1925), finds Chaplin portraying a lone prospector who searches for love and acceptance in the frenzy of the great Klondike gold rush. Featuring the full musical score composed by Chaplin himself back dropped by the Charleston Symphony Orchestra.

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