14 March 2010

Legs in a Glass

Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

I went to a wine tasting this afternoon and hopefully learned a thing or two about wine from Charleston's Best Sommelier Clint Sloan.

I may need a few follow up sessions (sip, sip) to cure me of basing my wine buying decisions purely on price and attractive labels. I didn't even know what the expression "wine legs" meant until this afternoon.

Thanks to Joe and Maddy who bid on and won the wine tasting at a charity event and included me.


  1. Having been a wino (I mean, wine aficionado) and having worked in a winery, I do know what "wine legs" are. Is. Are. Thingy.

    However, no matter how much wine frippery I learn, I am still a label ho. If I likes the label, I tries the wine. If I likes the wine, I buys it again. If I don't likes the wine, at least I has a really cool bottle to save and use as decoration, my precioussssss.

  2. I am all to familiar with a wine head (which usually occurs to me the next morning), but not legs.

  3. Last wine tasting I went to was at Middleton Place Plantation. It was right outside the restaurant and for some reason hardly anyone was attending. My wife and I paid and had near total control over the wines and cheeses.

    Not exactly my finest moment in restraint.
    My wife had to tell me a couple of times it wasn't Kool-aid and that I needed to savor it at least a second or two.

  4. Sounds like fun, Joan. Here is a little book that I think is a must read. It is short, light, and you can read it in bits and pieces...as the trailer says - the only book that demystifies wine without losing its magic:

  5. I would have liked that...our neighbors are wine aficionados and have quite wine "cellar" in their entryway!

    And they invited us to a wine-tasting party the other night. Great fun.

    But I didn't learn anything about "wine legs" and I still buy wine based on price and attractive labels.

    Some would say I'm incorrigible. Probably rightly so!


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