05 December 2009

Signed, sealed, rented!

Charleston, S.C.

I rented my downstairs apartment after writing an entry this week about being a landlady - to a reader who learned it was vacant from the blog. How very, very cool is that?

I have a handyman busy this weekend (thank you Charlie!) painting and cleaning to get it ready for her. The previous tenant was so cluttered and messy I almost forgot it was a cute little apartment. I need to hunt down a good deal on a new frig this weekend.

Warning: Wide angle lens makes things look bigger than they appear!


  1. Even if it is smaller than it appears, it still looks very comfy and cool. The neatest thing is your tenant knows you through the blog; that is great.

    Is it getting cold up there? Lighting a fireplace yet?

  2. Aw, snap! I was ready to rent a U-Haul and get started.

  3. Frank - It is small but kinda cute. I haven't had to use much heat yet, but have been enjoying my gas log fireplace. I love that thing.

    Waldo - Gotta move faster than that!

  4. Alls I gotta do now is find a job there and then stalk the new tenant till he flees, and it's ALL MINE, Bwahahahaha!

  5. I wish I could have moved in, too... it looks so comfy!

  6. Yes, that was very very cool !!

    I wanna live there tooo. Looks so cozy and inviting and oh how I'd love to do holiday decor around in there. Truly a home :)

    Nice that your new tenant found this through your blog!!!! Woweee. :)

  7. Becca9:23 AM

    Yay Joan! I've been too busy moving into my awesome apartment to see that my blog-reading/apartment renting was noted! It just goes to show that close-reading of Charleston Daily Photo pays off! :)

  8. Becca :)) Hope you are snug and warm.


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