29 December 2009

First Wives Club

Hmmmm. My daughter took this picture of me on the west coast this year. Honestly now, check out my hair, am I starting to look like a Mormon first wife from the Big Love polygamy show? If I started teasing it just a bit.....


It's cold, it's dark. I need to go for a cold, dark walk.


  1. nice silhoutte and sunset...leave the hair alone, just get a shirt with big Peter Pan collars for that Mormon look - although now that Donnie won the Dance contest, I think Mormons are kind of hip and happening or something...

  2. This is a beautiful picture, and not at all the Mormon look, I think it looks more like the makings of a Lifetime movie lol
    I think the drink looks like one of those huge cans of miller light, brown bagged and all, ha
    I'm sure it's not :O)

    Sorry you lost so many people close to you. It's sad to lose anyone during the year, but it seems even sadder to lose someone so close to Christmas.

  3. Ha! I love the Big Love show. Can't wait for it to come back on.

    Tea....I am drinking a cuppa tea. We took a picnic up to the overlook. The wine was later...

  4. Absolutely elegant. Very unlike Big Love.

    Truly Joan, what a lovely photo, very frameable.

  5. I think this is a delightful portrait showing the end of a perfect day!

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Can't help but think since your West Coast daughter took this picture that for her it captures a visual memory of her mother in stillness and peace. Your must have passed on your eye for capturing pictures to her. Connie

  7. Anonymous9:28 PM

    It's a very beautiful picture, your daughter is very talented (must get that from you)! I love reading your blog every morning, and can't wait to move down to the lowcountry! Happy New Year to you and yours! Leah


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