23 November 2009

On the Road Again.....

Rockin' Charleston Car & Truck Show, Adams Run, S.C.

I had to add this one from the Car Show this weekend. What can I say? Nothing. The ladies who set the dogs in the little car for my camera actually said, "They have leather jackets but we thought it was too warm for them."



  1. Leather jackets?? Oh, no. Wait til my wife see this. I thought the rain slicker for our Pekingese was over the top.9It does rain here in tampa on occasion, just not enough.) These pictures are hilarious and combine the "serious" nature of a car show with a very funny sideline. Who would take dogs to a car show??!!

  2. Very cute. Someone has a good sense of humor. It's amazing how dogs just always are happy to go for a ride, even if it's a pretend ride.

  3. Poor dogs. But some cool rides there I'm guessing.

  4. Oh, good grief. This is too funny!

  5. Hi, Joan!

    This is a nice shot. It reminds me of one I missed of a couple going by on a motorcycle. In the sidecar was a dog. Wearing goggles.

  6. Tooo flippin cute! Thanks for the inside look!

  7. There were little dogs all over. Car shows seem to be couple events. Couples and their little pooches. Hilarious.

    Wish me luck. Comcast tech comes to the house this afternoon.

  8. This is so cute! Love the old cars too.


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