02 November 2009

Oink, oink...

Hadrian's Wall Hike, U.K.

If you receive an email from the Department of Health telling you not to eat canned pork because of swine flu............ Ignore it. It's just Spam.

Haha! I stole that one from Ian May. The photo isn't from the lowcountry either. We don't have stone like that. I took it when I hiked coast to coast England last year following Emperor Hadrian's Wall.

Speaking of swine I got my vaccine today. Now I am invincible. Right? Y'all gonna get it?


  1. No vaccine for me.

    Is it normal for pigs just to wander around like that? Interesting photo!

  2. Love the photo, beautiful pig and that wall, of course. We don't get the offer of vaccine in France. The only people getting it are hospital workers, not even doctors yet.

  3. There is no vaccine yet in our area. Phoenix has some but not here in the high country.
    How fun that hike must have been. I bet you have hundreds of beautiful pictures like this one.

  4. I had to see which Charleston neighborhood had gone to the pigs. Great shot to drive home your vaccine message. Poor little piggys. What did they ever do to be so maligned? (Do keep your eye and camera on the old house. It is certainly historic in age and has good bones.)


  5. Fine looking pig, bit like an "old spot".

  6. I've been "dining out" on that Swine Flu joke all day!


  7. Halcyon - There was a fence between us. It was the back of a pretty neat barn.

    Catalyst - Ha! It's a good one isn't it?

    Jarart - It was a great hike. I took so many pictures. I always feel odd posting them on the Charleston Daily Photo site. It's almost too bad.

    Jilly - I got it as a hospital worker. Also, they are delivering it in such a random way I happened to be in the right place at the right time.

    Frank - They are still the best tasty meal though - poor things!

  8. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I got my shot a week ago. We aren't allowed to get the seasonal flu shot even though we work in a Retirement Home. It may be available in December. Sally

  9. They aren't offering the swine flu shot to foreigners in the Czech Republic, so we're heading to Switzerland to get ours as soon as they are available to the public. (Switzerland ordered enough for their entire population to get two shots, and then found out they only needed single doses).

  10. Sally - Aren't allowed? That's odd. You'd thing health care workers would be the category to get them.

    Julia - Yes, nice that we only need one.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    What perfect timing, both for the flu shot comment and the picture, because my 8th grade Humanities students were just studying Hadrian's Wall this week and I just got the H1N1 mist on Tuesday! I love all of your pictures and come visit your site when I need a Charleston fix.


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