26 November 2009

Gobble Wobble - Runners in the Mist

Turkey Day Run, Charleston, S.C.

The annual Turkey Day run is a 32 year old tradition in Charleston now attracting over 5,000 participants, and I walked through the festivities this morning. The fog was heavy enough to make a photographer's heart go pitter patter.

The Turkey Day Run’s mission is to raise money for local charities. Each year, a portion of the proceeds from the run are donated to non-profit organizations in the Charleston area. Additionally, more than $13,000 was donated to the Heroes Fund in 2009. This fund will assist families of First Responders who die or are seriously injured in the line of duty.

I didn't stick around long but more are photos uploading here as I speak: Turkey Day Run

My son and I are going out to eat this evening. It seems unreasonable not to start feasting before then so I have strawberry stuffed french toast and bacon ready for an appetizer brunch. I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving. It's hard to explain how grateful I am for all of you, this community of friends who drop by and leave such friendly comments.

Someone has to win!


  1. I hope your day and evening is spectacular, Joan. Your blog is a treasure. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Joan!

  3. We woke to fog here at my parents on the Eastern Shore, and I had enough time to drink a cup of coffee before it was light enough to take the camera out. Unfortunately I will not be able to look at them at proper size until we get home. Do you remember the days you had to spend a sum of money to see your pictures, and you never knew what they were going to look like until after they were developed. You even had to pay for the bad ones and ration your shots.

    I am thankful for digital photography. Have a happy Thanksgiving.


  4. Catalyst - Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you for coming by.

    Doug - Thank you!

    Les - I remember very well. I was just commenting today how happy I am that I lived to see digital photography. I was the most impatient person waiting for pictures to be developed. It was so hard to learn when you had to wait a week to see what you had done. This is like magic every time.

  5. Great shots. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. I am not generally a fan of the runner's physique. However, in that last shot, you captured some cute manflesh on the move.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Hope your turkey had more meat on it than a marathon runner! 8-)

  7. Love your blog and am grateful I accidently stumbled across it after my first trip to Charleston last summer. I loved your beautiful city and now I get a daily reminder from your beautiful blog. Thank you for the gorgeous pictures and the wonderful commentary.

  8. Tiger Fan - I remember you! Thank you.

    Marcheline - Your comments always crack me up. You are such a treat.

    bfarr - I hope you had a good holiday as well.

  9. great photos! Hope you had a great turkey day!


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