10 November 2009

Drip, drip...

Charleston, S.C.

Everything is dripping today. The sky, my nose.....

I took one more day off since I still sound so congested. Tomorrow I have to go to work so perhaps I'll just put a Quarantine sign on my door and get a lot done.

My gift for you today is a link to a self guided Charleston walking tour. This one is on a real estate page but it looks pretty good. You can print it out and tuck it in your pocket next time you are walking the historic district.

Walking Historic Downtown Charleston


  1. A lovely, peaceful photo - and let me send you some cyber-hot tea. I hope to visit Charleston someday.

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  2. Thanks! You will, everyone comes to Charleston sooner or later.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Hope you get feeling better real soon. We have a real problem at work this year....in that we don't want to spread the Germs to our seiors, but we don't have the staff to cover us if we are off with Winter sniffles

  4. That is exactly the drill. I would never normally stay home with a cold but right now everyone is scared of anyone who sounds like they have a bug.

    Meanwhile - it is nice to be able to take it easy when you don't feel perky.

  5. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Oops! I forgot to sign my name above...Sally


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