20 November 2009

Bollywood South, Y'all

Darkness to Light Gala, Marion Square, Charleston, S.C.

I still have no internet access at home. I'm getting shaky and having withdrawal symptoms. Isn't there a rehab camp for people like me? Comcast suggests again that it might be working when I get home today but I'll believe that when I see it.

Meanwhile, a few pictures from the Circle of Light gala. Marion Square was transformed into a beautiful setting last night. The theme was Bollywood and they went all out with dancers, rickshaws and camels. It was quite an amazing production. This time I lucked out and had actual Indians at my table and Chef Sean Brock whipped up a great dinner behind the curtain for us.

A few more photos here.

Darkness to Light
Over the past seven years, the Circle of Light Gala has raised over 2 million dollars towards Darkness to Light's mission. This national nonprofit organization educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. They are now serving communities in 48 states and 9 countries.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    LOVE the camel shot. Can you make the same face at the Comcast people? Maybe that will help.

  2. Cute camel! During our recent Nor'easter we were without power for 48 hours. What was the first thing I did after it was back on, check email and check my blog subscription list. I hope you get back on line soon - I feel your pain.

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Where in the heck did they get the camel? I think I want one. Pam D.

  4. Camels seem to be a recurring theme in my life lately... I just got an email from my friends in Italy telling me that they import camel meat from Morocco to cook with.

    The sitar player looks delicious - lovely hands. As long as he bathes, he might make a nice dessert! 8-)

    Glad the event was a success. I love East Indian culture - the food, the dress, the music. I bet you had a blast.

  5. Y'all know how to party down there....

  6. Susan - This was a big ticket party. I was clearly a guest!

    Marcheline - Musical dessert - you crack me up! I love it too. I need to get a gala sari.

    Pam - The camels were from the upstate somewhere. Who knew?

    Les - Books. I am reading books again. TV is still boring though.

    Anon - Yes, that is the comcast look :)


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