20 October 2009

We See You, See Wee

SeeWee Restaurant, Awendaw, S.C.

We aren't supposed to be eating fried food these days. Sigh. But, if you do, you want to make it worthwhile. Everyone boasts about the fried seafood at the See Wee Restaurant but I go for the fried eggplant chunks. Yum. Whenever I drive by I consider calling ahead to see if they would stand on the side of the highway and toss me a bowl. They are nutty, melt in your mouth hunks of eggplant. Almost makes me want to drive to Awendaw.

Psssst: You may order the seafood platter, she crab soup or See Wee style flounder as well if you like.

The restaurant used to be a general store and they kept the shelves and look of a shop. I tried to buy a handy loaf of bread the last time I was there and they looked at me like I was nuts. The groceries are part of the decor. Ooops.

I've had a good day. I attended the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program annual recognition luncheon today at the Charleston Rifle Club and my nominee, the sweetest lady you could ever know, won the volunteer of the year award. I am proud as punch.

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