09 October 2009

Friday Night Hodge Podge

Rutledge Ave., Charleston, S.C.

It's hot again and I had to turn my air conditioning back on. It is that odd time in the lowcountry where young women happily match knee high boots with summer shorts.

I recorded Project Runway and was pleased to see the two Charleston contestants still in the running. It is late but I kept nodding off during commercials and having to rewind. I soon realized it is a completely commercial heavy show with about ten minutes of actual content. It was hard to rewind carefully enough to catch the few seconds of programming.

I drove up to North Charleston on Thursday night to take pictures of my friend Andre's new house and besides making me a scrumptious dinner, he introduced me to a long time blog reader for the first time. It was great to meet you Cullen!

I've spent this week laying out the 2010 calendar for the hospital, sorting out pay dates, holidays, nurse's weeks, safety weeks, etc. etc. etc. Heaven help me if I miss any group's special day. Last year the night after I sent it to the print shop I dreamed that I had listed pay dates on the wrong Fridays. That would be the one most unforgivable offense. Heh.

Anyone want to go to the Terrace Hippodrome tomorrow night? I always go to the Terrace Theater but haven't tried the Hippodrome yet and tomorrow may be the night.

G'night kids. Let's get this weekend started.


  1. It was great meeting you as well, Joan! The Hippodrome is a fun place. They didn't change a whole lot from when it was the IMAX, if you went to it.

  2. That's funny you should mention shorts and boots. I just got back from a week in northern Italy, where knee-high leather boots, shorts, and neck scarves (all together) are apparently the latest rage. Odd!

  3. Cullen - It was fine, not IMAX format and didn't seem that much bigger than a regular screen although it probably was. There weren't many of us in the theater and people talked and laughed through the whole thing. Grrrrrr. I love having a theater on the peninsula though so I will give it another chance if they play something I am interested in.

    Marcheline - Welcome home!


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