31 October 2009

Bond, James Bond

Memminger Auditorium, Beaufain St., Charleston, S.C.

He’s suave. He’s well-dressed. He’s a ladykiller and the CSO tackles all the best-known Bond songs and their massive arrangements. Ever popular conductor Stuart Malina will stir and shake the program featuring our ‘Bond Girl’ Hillary Kole, guest vocalist. Expect Bond favorites From Russia With Love, For Your Eyes Only, Goldfinger, License To Kill and many more.

I've been dying to get inside the Memminger Auditorium since it was renovated and when I was offered some tickets to the James Bond themed performance of the Charleston Symphony tonight and I went with a couple of girlfriends. What fun!

These songs are all so familiar to me. When my kids were little we saw every new movie when it came out as well as sitting through every holiday weekend James Bond tv marathon. Neighboring kids joined in elaborate plays involving Jame Bond scenarios. My daughter made herself business cards with a hand gun graphic that said "Amber Bond. Sister of James".

Naturally every play ended with a nuclear explosion.

It was a grand performance!


  1. This is a beautiful building !! Nice shot !!Unseen Rajasthan

  2. Raj - Thanks. It is an impressive building.


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