25 April 2009

Youth Service Day - Charleston

Youth Service Day, Charleston, SC

I joined Jodi Bateman, Charleston School District (top right) bright and early this morning and zipped around town trying to catch as many of the kids in action for Youth Service Day as we could. It wasn't easy since we were tempted to get caught up in the activity at each place we stopped.

Festivities started early this morning at North Charleston High School where shirts and packed lunches were handed out. Teams then caught buses to their service projects in different non profit agencies. The happy chaos was coordinated by Sally Burnett and her team from Trident United Way.

The group in the first picture was landscaping at the Boys & Girls Club on Mary St. In the next shot the kids had loaded a truck of donated supplies at Tricounty Family Ministries and cleaned out the clothes closet. In the third picture, students took turns cleaning the facility, walking and bathing dogs at the Charleston Animal Shelter.

Not the typical way most teenagers spend a Saturday morning (nor do I for that matter!) but with them all working together they accomplished more than they could ever imagine.

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