29 April 2009

Shut the door!

I toured the Water Mission International offices today in preparation for my trip. I ran my hands through the garnet chips that filter the muddy water and turn it in to sparkling fresh drinking water. We ate sandwiches and finalized travel details. It is so exciting to be part of a real solution like this.

The water purification unit that we funded has arrived and is being put together. It will give fresh water to the Plateau Mission Hospital, a neighboring school and community of 3,000 in Kenya. We will be present for the official commissioning ceremony and festivities and the system will be turned on and functioning.

I was interested to see the new project these clever folks have up their sleeve - a poured concrete outhouse! They designed a toilet that could be flushed with one gallon of the back flush water from the purification unit. How much sense does that make? They made a metal bracketed form that the cement is poured into. When the bracket is removed a whole outhouse is in place. Bingo!

They laughed and said "I don’t suppose anyone wants to model that?"


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Such cute sandals you are wearing!

  2. This is all so exciting just to hear about. I can't imagine how you must feel. Cute picture!

  3. wildstorm - Danskos! Nice and comfy. At least them make more attractive ones now.

    Jarart - I am bouncing with excitement :)

  4. Ha ha ha! What a silly presumption to make when you're around, eh Joan?

    Don't bounce too high when you're close to a concrete privy, 'k?

  5. You are a jewel! Africa, get ready. Here she comes.

  6. Doug - Them I made my boss pose. That one goes in my blackmail file.

    Frank - Here she comes indeed! I just upgraded to a bigger suitcase. All my friends are shopping. They found double dutch jump ropes and are having them rush shipped to me. Also - wee wind up music boxes for the school for the blind.

  7. I didn't know you were going to Africa Aunt Joan! That's so awesome! It's my dream to go to Africa once I get my BScN!!! Have fun! and take lots of pictures :)

  8. Jesse: Perfect - my nephew finds my blog and catches me on the toilet. :) I am so classy, aren't I?

    Yes, Africa! It's a quick trip but we want to develop a continuing relationship with this community and the hospital. My handy camera earned me the ticket.

  9. Take care and if you don't mind I'll say something about Water Mission International on my blog.

  10. Beach Bum, Please do. These folks have really pulled off something impressive and it is a solution that makes so much sense. It is an international business based right here in the lowcountry.


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