20 January 2009

Where were you?

Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Women's Waiting Room, Charleston, SC

Where were you when Barack Obama was sworn in as President?

I was where I've been for most historical moments in my lifetime - gathered with friends in a hospital waiting room, pausing to help visitors find their doctors, watching proud parents go by with new babies, scurrying to find a wheelchair and directing a student to her mentor. We ate our sandwiches watching one of the most exciting events in my lifetime. What a happy day!


  1. I love your post! It must have been great to witness such a historic event among friends!

  2. A very happy day all across this country! I like this picture, an important moment in time.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I was a part of a large group of us here at the law firm huddled around a computer screen watching the Inauguration together. There was a lot of head-nodding during Obama's speech and afterwards - a nice round of applause. I don't know about anyone else but for me - today is an exciting day!

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    We even watched it up in Canada while at work today. We are all excited here to.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Where was I? I was in my office with a pharmacist and an LVN destroying drugs discussing the relationship the US will have with Israel now that he is sworn in and the issues regardin abortions. Ooooh, I better stop now!!! Still, this was a historical event.

  6. I knew I would have to work today, so I have been planning for a month to find a project I could do inside near the TV. I usually work outside. I was elated today and feel like I have been given something back that was taken away from me 8 years ago.

  7. Thanks to my boss there was no listening to it on the radio; then no watching it on the Internet. When people ask "Where were you?" I'll reply, "At work, listening to Super Tramp and Toto on Magic 98.5."

    Thank God for CSPAN replays.

  8. Waldo: Sounds like you work for Scrooge. ;)
    Les: Yes, that describes it well and it was given back new and improved.
    wildstorm: Hmmmm....interesting little glimpse into your day!
    Bob: Nice to know you enjoyed our party up north.
    denise: It was wonderful wasn't it? I thought we should have put a tv in the cafeteria for everyone.
    Jarart: It really brought everyone together. What a joyous day.
    Sharon: it was. I thought I should document it with a picture. I emailed it around to them.

  9. I was sleeping in my own bed as the night bled into a new day amidst so many changes. it is historical and emotional even half a world away and to others worldwide. Maggs

  10. What a happy looking crew! I was fast asleep when he was sworn in. It was a huge day indeed. I watched lots on TV, but the actual ceremony took place at 3:30am! One Sydney-sider celebrates Barack Obama’s inauguration by tinkling the ivories

  11. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I was in the auto dealer's waiting room having my oil changed. :)


  12. I was somewhere in the west end picking up boxes of magazine returns. It was so glamorous...

  13. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I was at work - stuck at my desk but with my headphones on listening to windows media player's radio.

  14. dkpark: I spend way too much time stuck at my desk and I am in a people job.

    Doug: Someone has to be the Glamour Boy :))

    lowandslow: And that is what you will always remember.

    Sally: Thought you were my sister Sally for a minute. Love the piano idea!

    Maggsworld: Aye, it was. In such a lovely way.

  15. I was at work! But I saw their dance on v ideo last night.


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