27 January 2009

For real? I'm famous on the internet?

Byron, King St., Charleston, SC

For real? I'm famous on the internet?

Byron is my King St. toll. $1 usually allows me to pass freely and earns a hug into the bargain. On the odd occasion (no cash on hand) I've treated him to breakfast. Once and a while I grab a quick picture so he can be a participant in the exchange.

Byron asked what I did with my pictures so if you happen to see him on King St., and you will, tell him you saw him on the internet. And pay the toll.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Byron! I doubt he will remember me, but do give him my warmest regards.

  2. you hug this guy? I hugged a panhandler in a subway once. The rest of the car ran from me....more pics of the gorgeous theater to the left!!!

  3. Ken Mac: Yea, I hug him. He is a rascal. More theater photos to come. Gotta keep you coming back. Here is a link to the owners of the American:

    wildstorm: That's right! You met him :)

  4. Joan: I love this entry and the picture and the meaning behind it! Please give Byron a hug(s) from me(Judy) everytime!

    If I was lucky enough to be up there, I'd certainly give Byron the toll, and a hug too. :)

  5. Judy: How kind you are. I will. I'll give him an extra buck in your name.

  6. Thanks, Joan, that's nice of you! The homeless have a place in my heart....and we have aplenty here in St Pete!

  7. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I lived in downtown Charleston about 12 years ago, in those pink apartments on Meeting Street...and I knew Byron. Believe it or not, I just googled "Byron Charleston South Carolina homeless" to see if I could find anything on him...and I found your page and his face! Byron is kind and funny and intelligent, and I so wished he would have found his way off the streets by now, as he very much deserves a better life. I live far from Charleston, for many years now, and I often wish I could pop down to check on him. Thank you for this and his picture. He sure looks the same - minus the dreads!He has a fantastic energy, doesn't he?! It brings me joy to know he is still shown kindness. All these years later, I'm sure he wouldn't remember me. But please, if you could next time you see him, tell him an old friend from his past still thinks of him and wishes him well.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards to You and Yours,
    Kim (formerly of 411 Meeting Street)

  8. Cool! He is part of a lot of people's Charleston story. He was finally restricted by the police from being on King St. and went back to his family home in Arkansas.

    If you are on Facebook check out the group, "I gave Byron money". It has 1183 members.

  9. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Hi joan,
    Do you have any idea what Byron's last name is?

  10. Byron Knight. He actually has a FB presence.

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Yeah, he's nice for a STD transmitting crack head and drug dealer.

  12. Anonymous11:22 PM

    You people are so innocent and dumb. Byron Knight is a crack addict and a nuisance that is perpetuated by people like you. He and several of the other "street people" are filling you all into thinking he is a sweet kind man, allthe while he is burglarizing your home, breaking into your car, and stealing bikes. Look up his rap sheet, be wise.


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