16 July 2012

Signs of the times, Chicago style

No Parking
Had to laugh at this one! What part about No Parking in Front of a Driveway Don't You Understand?

We have no hours. We're never open. We're always closed.
Crochet Tree Owl!
Killing People is Rude
He That Loveth a Book
United Airlines - Hemisphere Magazine
Nothing like heading home to Charleston and finding Chef Sean Brock in the United Airlines Magazine. 
He is everywhere!


Pixel Peeper said...

LOVE the "no hours" sign!

Kate said...

You have just spent time in a terrific city but returned to one quite different but just as terrific!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, these are quite different kind of signs, I like the Crochet Tree Owl!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I think you captured the character of the city quite well! Great place to visit!

chuckography said...

My favorite Chicago neon sign was red and said "Burritos Bigger Than Your Head." I bought one.

brattcat said...

enjoyed both today's and yesterday's posts.

VanessaK said...

Welcome Home Joan!

Charlestonjoan said...

I know! They must have been bone weary of people knocking on their door.

Charlestonjoan said...

You are correct. It is always nice to come home to Charleston.

Charlestonjoan said...

I did too! I think I might have a little crochet thingie to stick on a tree myself.

Charlestonjoan said...

It was! I've been enjoying your recipes lately. Yum.

Charlestonjoan said...

Man...I think I ate one. It was at Chiplotes which we also have in North Charleston now.

Charlestonjoan said...

Thanks brattcat! Back to lowcountry photos shortly.

Charlestonjoan said...

Thanks Vanessa. Your photos have been blowing me away lately. Gorgeous.